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Re: Best Friends Club

Hey @Beansprout I hope you had a good weekend. I had a bit of a melt down on Saturday. So I posted how I was feeling on here, and I started to feel better.  I managed to visit some friends in the caravan park to watch the grand final. I am not particularly into the AFL, but I drank and bottle of wine and just generally chatted throughout the game.


I felt so proud of myself for being able to change my thinking on that day, and I ended up having a really good time. 


Unfortunately the positivity from the great weekend, had has now vanished, as it is the anniversary of my previous partner's death today. But in saying that, I am not as bad this year, as I have been in previous years, so for me that is a win 😊🌻


Re: Best Friends Club

Thanks @Mustang67, today wasn't too bad for me.  I had my MH group meeting in the morning and then had to go straight from there to my adoption support counseling session where things got... a bit emotional.  I think it's the first time i've ever lost it like that in front of another person.  Maybe that's progress or just a sign that i'm not handling things as well as I thought.  I'm still trying to work that out.   I have my first support group meeting with fellow adoptees in 3 weeks.  After today, i'm a little nervous now.  Breaking down in front of one counselor is bad enough but in front of about 10 people I don't know...


I wouldn't be too concerned that you didn't feel too positive today.  I think it's only natural with all the memories today would bring back.  So i see it more like you had a flood of old memories and the emotions it brought back rather than losing your new found positivity.  A small distinction i know, but an important one I think.  Trust yourself, you know you're getting on top of things and racking up so many of those wins.


Obviously memories of your dad will also be very difficult with his birthday and christmas approaching, and that would defintely be difficult for anyone.  We're all here for you if things start getting a bit challenging through these times.  Again, none of that would be a step backwards, just a normal part of grieving.  I'm sure he'd be very proud of the way you've gone with all this hard work getting a lot of control back over you life.

Re: Best Friends Club

What is the book by Dr Lapera about?

Usually mine relate to healing from my different issues, or something spiritual xx

Re: Best Friends Club

Oh. I can't write like you, I forget what the other person's said and your SO kind even though you've got heaps going on .... 

Re: Best Friends Club

Loved reading all these posts. 


Can't believe @ENKELI  doctors bills. My doctor bulk bills. 


@Mustang67  I'm thinking about you 


@Oaktree @Glisten @MJG017 

@ArraDreaming @Glisten 


Night @Glisten 

Thanks for the 2 granita bickies

Re: Best Friends Club


The proposed Weekly GP visits could have been done under a Mental Health Care Plan.

I wonder why he didn’t think of that?


My novelty size football forearm has gone down considerably.  Four days of Voltaren cream and ibuprofen will do wonders 😂 


Yesterday I started cleaning 3 very rustic planks of wood.  Cleaning because sanding removes the rustic aesthetic. It is a 4 step process with drying time in between. Then I will have to finish it with resin (sad face). I dislike using resin, it stinks 😷

Lets hope the rich people like Rustic Bench seats a LOT $$$$


My beautiful Retiisi, I want to fuel my car, collect you for a horse ride and we fuel ourselves on Fazer chocolate.

We both need a break. The struggle has been too long.
What I mean by break, is a turn the corner moment. You know like that saying. One door 🚪 closes, a window 🪟 and you got to climb through it. LOL


Is it true that the Finns are big fans of personal space?



Re: Best Friends Club

@Glisten just butting in the conversation to tell you to please use protection when using resin. Masks and outdoors work only. It's very toxic.

It sounds like you are having fun doing all this renovation, refurbishing.


Don't work too hard. Look after that elbow.


Hugs my friend 🧡 xxx

Re: Best Friends Club

morning @Mustang67 , @PeppyPatti , @Glisten , @Oaktree , @Healandlove , @Blackcloud , @Meowmy 


take care my @Glisten 😍



Re: Best Friends Club

@Shaz51 @Oaktree @PeppyPatti @Mustang67 @MJG017 @TAB @tyme @Jynx 


Morning friends! And good morning to everyone else I couldn't tag.


And a very happy birthday to @TAB .

Thank you for the reminder my sis @Shaz51 Shazzy! 🥰

Re: Best Friends Club

hello @Former-Member  and @sosad-666 

how are you going today xx