SANE Online Forums

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Re: Supporting an already Depressed Partner through Cancer diagnosis

Now is the time to be looking after yourself @Former-Member ... not worrying about us .... but thank you for bring in us up to date, and we will be sending our love your way.

Wishing you courage and strength on this journey.



Re: Supporting an already Depressed Partner through Cancer diagnosis

Here to support you @Former-Member, a shoulder ready if you need.

Re: Supporting an already Depressed Partner through Cancer diagnosis

Thanks everyone for all your support over the past year, in one respect or another.  It seems as though I've gone from one drama to the next.  Sigh.

Look I've decided that I am going to close my account.  I have been putting added pressure on myself to keep posting here. And I have been of no help to anybody else. Hence my decision to ask for my account to be closed.

It doesnt mean I dont care .......... far from it.  I just cant see anything changing in the short term, and at the end of the day, I'm probably bad for everyone else here.

So thankyou everyone, especially those who've been so supportive of me.  I hate to single out names, because it always means I'm going to miss someone.  BUT ..... thanks especiall to @Faith-and-Hope @Shaz51 @Former-Member.  Maybe one day I will re-sign and come here and find you all again.

Go the Sydney Swans !!!!!


Re: Supporting an already Depressed Partner through Cancer diagnosis

Oh @Former-Member ..... I know you haven't b en posting much, but with everything that is going on for you at the moment, it needs to be all about you, rather than trying to help anybody else ..... at the forums are here for both functions ..... or either / or.

If that is not serving you at the moment, the added pressure to post, or bearing the weight of concern for others here and what they are going through at the moment, is the last thing you need.

Take care of you, and we will miss you ...... was just assuming you were quiet with so much going on at home, and wanted to give you space.

Please take good care of you ..,,, and come back any time for a cuppa and a chat. I hope things go as smoothly as they can for you on this difficult journey.


Re: Supporting an already Depressed Partner through Cancer diagnosis

Oh @Sherry HeartHeartHeart

Re: Supporting an already Depressed Partner through Cancer diagnosis

we will miss you and Holly @Former-Member HeartHeart

Re: Supporting an already Depressed Partner through Cancer diagnosis

Take care @Former-Member

Re: Supporting an already Depressed Partner through Cancer diagnosis

Hello @Former-Member

thank you for taking the time to explain your decision 

you are showing great strength in reducing your certainly do not need any more added pressure in feeling that you should be helping us

I am pleased to see that you are also looking after yourself in making this decision 

the door will always be open for you should you just need to vent

you will always be welcome

take care

Re: Supporting an already Depressed Partner through Cancer diagnosis

Hello @Former-Member, sending you tender hugs and letting you know i am sitting with you

Missing you HeartHeart

Re: Supporting an already Depressed Partner through Cancer diagnosis

Hi @Shaz51 and thank you for your post yesterday.

I kind of lost this thread back in September.  At that time I was planning on closing my account, but was convinced by @NikNik to keep it open.  Which I did.  But I took a longish break, before coming back again.

Yes well, lots has happened since then. I think I updated by PTSD thread with the latest developments regarding hubby's cancer.  Its been a really difficult couple of weeks for him, and me too.  But I will make a note to update this thread with the latest. At the moment I'm just too exhausted, but I'll will be back.

@Former-Member @Former-Member @Faith-and-Hope @Former-Member

Sherry  Heart