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Feel Weird

Got some time to mydelf but the drive here i started feeling floaty,  everything unfamiliar, eyes - like looking through a foggy window, noise echoe & just too much but disconnected. People walking past are all serm the sqme but  but not and i dont think they can see me.  in a dream.  Didnt sleep well last few nights.  Betta go home - hmm,  am i alert enough to drive? Does anyonr rlse get this?  @Appleblossom? I can still type.  Just ate,  looking at my empty plate,  rrmembering ordering it - dont remember eating it.  Just looking at wrapper wondering how...  This is crap? 

@Former-Member,   should i be worried or just need a sleep?  Betta go for walk outside, find a tree


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Re: Feel Weird

Hi @Former-Member


That sounds like a pretty scary experience. A lack of sleep can sometimes leave us feeling a little spaced out. It's important you don't drive while you're feeling this way. 


We'll send you an email in a moment. In the meantime, it might be useful to try some breathing - breathing in for four seconds, and breathing out for six - to help ground you a little. If you're worried about your safety or would like some support to help you understand and manage how you're feeling, please call Lifeline on 13 11 14. 


Take care 🌻

Senior Contributor

Re: Feel Weird

Oh wow @Former-Member


This does not sound good - I am sure you haven't been driving when you are feeling so weird but I hope you are home by now


Have you thought of seeing a doctor about this feeling?


If you haven't been sleeping this might happen - I don't know - but I do know you have been really stressed lately


I hope you feel better soon




Re: Feel Weird

Dear @Former-Member In all honesty I really do not know what normal feels like.  One of the things I am learning about recently is what are the typical feelings in response to different situations.  

So yes, I have experienced things like that often in many different stages of my life. 

A week ago I stayed up all night to do a submission and had a few health problems and a an anniversary so that was enough to knock out last week.  

Essentially I was raised to ignore my feelings ... and get on with it ...with ...

Bah! and a snort ...from mother

Logically ... we all function better with plenty of sleep and needs met.

Now I am working out where I am on my spectrum and getting a better quality of life.

Take Care Bella.

Re: Feel Weird

How are you feeling tonight @Former-Member?


I hope you are okay and yes - you have had a lot going on - enough to have stress reactions of any kind


We all love you LapsesWe all love you LapsesI really seem to get carried away with the clipart -it's the new system but better two or more than none





Re: Feel Weird

@Former-Memberit sounds like dissociation. Have you experienced it before. I have experienced similar things to what youve described including driving to places and wondering how i got there. When im more stressed, havent slept in a few days or/and in overload mode i find it happens more

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Re: Feel Weird

Think youre right @outlander,  made me realise "i have never quite been righ " 😞

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Re: Feel Weird



Hi @Owlunar & @Appleblossom @Former-Member @outlander thanks for support.  Didn't  help that i went out without breakfast yesterday. Didn't think i was that stressed but could be underneath. And dad's a worry atm.  Nicw that you're here. Its all making ng me a little fearful of another breakdown pending, but gotta try ignore blackdog ❤ 


Re: Feel Weird

Gently. @Former-Member 

Sometimes fear of a breakdown can spiral and worry increase. 

try and make sure I have an apple or a bar in my bag in case I forget breakfast.

This might be going overboardThis might be going overboard

Re: Feel Weird

Hi @Former-Member


Low blood sugar - man!! - that will do it for me everytime - I have to do what @Appleblossom says and I carry a small bottle of water and a protein ball with me everywhere I go - it's a good idea


I am glad you seem to be otherwise okay - I guess your self-care kicked in and you were able to get home or get other help - it is really tough when this happens


So - low blood sugar and high stress levels - it sounds really exhausting - and I am glad we were able to be here for you even if we didn't know where you were


Sending cuddlesSending cuddles