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Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

sounds like story of my Life re half-hearted , ill-informed attempts to do shit @StuF 

Re: Tabaluga's

@TAB hey tabby, guess we can't choose our parents. We get our cards at birth and then try to play with them all our lives. We are lucky to have made it nearly sixty years ha ha.

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

ha ha am 63 in 7mths @Meowmy  lol

Re: Tabaluga's

Well you could look at it that way @TAB  but hey, you Do keep on trying to do shit


(Caveat: coming from a guy who feels remarkably similar to what you have expressed...But I'M the one dropping the wisdom here, ok? lolol)

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's


Dave Graney 'dropping some wisdom' .. @StuF

Taken from his album of the same name. You can buy 'Rock N Roll Is Where I Hide' from JB HiFi here: or download it from iTunes here:

Re: Tabaluga's

Great song @TAB !


At least we have music to come back to 🙂

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

@StuF  ,, need it lol my life would be so much better ha ha.. walked out of drs again w no pain meds yest, brought it up , then think I side tracked dr so then I forgot too. ffs remembered at 0830 when time to ring for same day appt today, couldnt be @rsed, so just went and hurt back again to make things better ha ha har lol

Moprhine perform 'Buena' of their 1993 record "Cure For Pain" on Dutch music show "2 Meter Sessies". Filmed on May 25, 1994. * Subscribe to our Youtube-channel for more unique music sessions: * Playlist with over 150 well-known 2 Meter Sessions clips since 1993: ...
Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

J.J. Cale performs After Midnight on Dutch TV show 2 Meter Sessies. Recorded on September 21, 1994. Subscribe to our Youtube channel for more unique music sessions: ...

Re: Tabaluga's

Hey @TAB 

Bugger about your back...did you make another appointment in the end (I don't think you did, just checking)?

Will anyone be able to help you tomorrow?


Hope it's not so bad that you can't sleep...which is where I'm heading right now. Wishing you a goodnight. Catch you after work tomorrow

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

no re appt, but buggered it hours afterwards trying to stretch again. 

took me like 3 mins at least to stand up again. so stupid.. did test/gentle roll will ball against wall just now, found  can reach worst spot w hand , so put heat cream on it. Better.
