SANE Online Forums

Saving Lives. Crisis Support. Suicide Prevention.

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Senior Contributor

Re: Easter

Hi @outlander happy easter to you too and everyone in these forums 🙂
Senior Contributor

Re: Easter

wow that's some serious tagging @outlander  Thanks for the tag lol 😊

Community Guide

Re: Easter

Thank you @outlander 


Stay safe hon 💛🤗👋🌼🐣😊

Re: Easter

  Hi, happy Easter everyone, hopefully you are all enjoying a break and spending time with family. For those of us struggling and this personally includes myself I hope we get the strength to keep fighting and trying to better our lives. The strangest thing happened tonight and I want to share it with you. My sister came into my life 3 years ago after the death of our father at 68 then 16 weeks later our 41 year old sister passed away from cancer. It’s a long story but I’d only met her once before when she was 5 years old. She now lives here in Australia and has family and a good job and life. She has also had many struggles but is now in a great place. I took her home and we were discussing my issues. She had a lot of incredible advice especially for someone so young. She said I need to look after myself so I can care for the others in my family and that I should do one small thing a day for me, like wearing perfume or putting on some makeup. She said setting a routine helped her, going to bed at a set time and waking at the same time. She also uses exercise to help. I’m a very busy person with a few medical injuries that need to be operated on. I look after grandchildren my mother and work part time so as you can guess my needs are last my a mile. A shower is a luxury or means less sleep. I do ride my horse every week which is my therapy and I have an older Siberian husky dog that I adore and there’s no doubt they help. But still my head spins and I have nightmares panic attacks and am overwhelmed by life in general, but what she said made sense. Do something little every day if we can, just for us. Not to worry about what we can’t change so much, it takes so much energy that we don’t have. I’m going to give this a go and would like to know if it’s worked for anyone else. There has to be some way out of the hole we get stuck in. Anyway I hope you are all safe and okay at the least. Remember we are a team and are here to support each other. Take care everyone and don’t over do it on the chocolate 🍫 ❤️❤️

Re: Easter

Thank you @outlander , how is your holidays shaping up? I hope you're enjoying and that you are in a good place in all senses of the words...

I'm doing OK, it is a little bit of counting the days til normalcy...

I am surrounded by others and comfortable and safe,  which is something

I did not plan on it, but my holidays are being spent in psych ward.

We are eating chocolates and sharing space here.

I hope everyone reading is safe and happy... sending good wishes 

Community Guide

Re: Easter

Happy Easter @outlander to you and yours

Re: Easter

Happy Easter all and take care 🙂

Re: Easter

Yes I agree I try to do something each day so that I can kind of respect myself and the day. Sometimes I feel like absolute crap but I’ve learnt that doing something stops that horrible rumination from taking control. 
Good advice

Re: Easter

Happy Easter to you too @outlander. Thank you for your kind wishes.