SANE Online Forums

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Re: Best Friends Club

@creative_writer oh yeah i get that feeling, being sick does affect our mental health too so i get it ❤️ i hope you feel completely better soon with all the symptoms coming in. Sending you virtual hugs  🫂💐


Oh, please don't ever feel the need to apologise for rambling - I really appreciate the time to read users long posts since it feels like I'm fully engaged than if someone write like a really short post that has only a few words in it. I love reading long posts, even posts that have a few or so sentences in them, even if its just in two sentences - either of those I appreciate on reading!


I do know for a fact that I always lack in coming up with words to say that I specifically wanna say especially since verbally communicating with someone either face to face or via phone/video call is something I still struggle with in terms of my speech. I find that it's 50x better for me to type/write it out since that way it allows me to know and think what exactly i wanna say, than if i was to verbally say something to someone if that makes sense. Whenever I need to verbally talk to someone, I usually struggle to form coherent sentences so that way it usually comes off as them probably not knowing what im exactly trying to say or whatever 😛


Re: Best Friends Club

@Dreamy I'm glad to hear that it has made you feel smarter now knowing a bit about the chinese art history haha! it also makes me smarter when i even take notes of it too!


and you're welcome xx

Re: Best Friends Club

@Blackcloud you are amazing at taking notes. Anything I hear goes in one ear and out the other 😂

Re: Best Friends Club

@Blackcloud , do you use your phone or laptop when accessing the forums?

Re: Best Friends Club

@tyme I use my laptop to access the forums. What made you curious about it?

Re: Best Friends Club

Because you mentioned about the long posts. I know a lot of members use their phones. For me, I get too tired using the phones to access the forums - but it works for a lot of members @Blackcloud 

Re: Best Friends Club

@tyme oh okay

Re: Best Friends Club

I use my computer and my mobile phone for the forum @tyme 

Re: Best Friends Club

@Blsckcloud a small eye cyst and UTI aren’t fun. Still have eye goop and abdomen pain, I just finished the antibiotics. Hopefully it’ll settle completely in a few days.

I have a scattered brain, it can jump from one thing to another. I find it hard to form sentences too, sometimes I forget what I want meant to say. But I have to follow social rules and not interrupt people when they are talking. It’s hard to pay attention to what they are saying and keep my sentence in my brain. I find it much easier to type things out, but I know that’s not always possible in the real world. Though my current psych has gotten me to record my thoughts which I think will help, some of the thoughts are sort of uncomfortable to talk about. I’ll just take it moment by moment

Re: Best Friends Club

The phone must be hard for the forums @Shaz51 ?