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Re: Best Friends Club

Molly is gorgeous @Glisten !

Re: Best Friends Club

Aye happens to me too at times @ArraDreaming I think sleep problems and ADHD unfortunately tend to go hand in hand 😪

Re: Best Friends Club


Re: Best Friends Club

Ach that sounds gnarly @ArraDreaming does it happen often enough that it's worth chatting to a gp about?

Re: Best Friends Club

I edited the post because that is just embarrassing, ughhhh
Nah, last night I was just tossing and turning all night, this image in my head, couldn’t NOT think about it, you know when you wake up and check the night and your not sure if you been a sleeping or laying awake all that time, like the sleep you got is not really productive? @Jynx

Re: Best Friends Club

She is @Ainjoule Molls is like the super model of dogs. 😆

Re: Best Friends Club

Same here with Mr shaz @ArraDreaming , @Jynx 


Aww great photo of molls @Glisten 

Re: Best Friends Club

@Shaz51 I put a podcast on my AirPods so it didn’t wake Mrs AD up but they went flat

Re: Best Friends Club

Yes I totally know that vibe @ArraDreaming @Shaz51 where it's like time is passing heaps so you think 'I must have slept then' but you don't FEEL like you slept and everything feels just a bit left of centre. 


Hopefully tonight you can just pass out and stay asleep ay!

Re: Best Friends Club

@Ainjoule @Shaz51 @Jynx one of my aunts was bedridden due to MS and missed having a dog.  One of her friends placed a little bundle wrapped in blanket one day.  She was runt of the litter, timid, white with gold patches.  When this bundle was unwrapped she quickly hid under the top blanket and shook.  Over time she grew into a loving, funny girl who was protective with my aunt.


remember her taking a bone under my aunts bed, which was in the lounge room by that stage, and growling.  Whilst 2 grown men stood by, wary of her, I crawled under the bed and came out holding bone in one hand and growling chihuahua on the other end of the bone.  What couldn’t be seen until she was fully out from under the bed was her tail was wagging.  One chihuahua was having fun 😂