SANE Online Forums

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Re: Best Friends Club

I’m not having the best night @Glisten
I’m sitting outside contemplating if I have a joint
Kids are good

Re: Best Friends Club

Sorry it's been a tough night @ArraDreaming, hopefully today is a better day for you.

Re: Best Friends Club

@ArraDreaming Arra did you sleep well?

8:30pm I’m asleep. @Oaktree complains about it.

I know you have ADHD. Did your’s come with anxiety?

Anxiety can look a lot like ADHD.

100% of my family for four generations has general anxiety.

90% have ADHD 

My son who is 40 has bad ADHD meltdowns. But won’t take the commonly prescribed medication.

I can’t function without my ADHD medication.


Re: Best Friends Club

I have anxiety @Glisten
Slept ok thanks for asking

Re: Best Friends Club

Hey @ArraDreaming @Glisten 🙂


Hope you are okay this morning. Sorry to hear about the anxiety @ArraDreaming 

Re: Best Friends Club



Hey good morning, you are here early. Could you please lock my How to thread and remove the two posts

Re: Best Friends Club


Re: Best Friends Club

No Arra @ArraDreaming 


The two posts I wrote that I wanted removed because they were not necessary

Re: Best Friends Club


Re: Best Friends Club



I got on my ipad and I still don’t have the whole toolbar on there. I have a few more options but still can’t quote.

Here is a picture of what I am seeing. Still no expand toolbar option 



 I do prefer to use my iPhone so it is would be good if this issue could be troubleshooted