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Re: Best Friends Club

Dearest @Oaktree 

I identify as an entitled white 56 yr old lady who had my two sons stolen from me from my mum when they both turned 15 yrs old. For 17:years, she has turned them against me for years but maybe the tide is turning. 



And it has taken me 20-40 years to acknowledge the truth. 


My now 34 and 30 years old sons do not deserve her continual bothering, her lies about me which turned them and my brother's against me for years. 

It's very freeing to write this. 


You are who I care about. Hell, I don't know how I became me after all my stuff. And I'm entitled and white. 


May I give you a starting point ? Moderators please delete if this is inappropriate - 


If we both began a women's group what would you be smiling about ? 



Re: Best Friends Club



If we began a women’s group I would be smiling about finally having a bunch of friends. I really only have one or two real friends. Also I would smile because I would be overcoming my nerves. I would be recognising my strength and resilience 

Re: Best Friends Club

I hope the day was peaceful for my Retiisi @ENKELI 


Re: Best Friends Club

@Oaktree @Glisten @Adge @TAB @Bill16  @greenpea @Meowmy 


We can start from there then.


where do you think there is a " meeting place to meet women so you can have a morning day and speak to each other about that ? 


Maybe a something at the library? 


I only have 2 girlfriends. I spend every day each day with Mr Rocker........ 


But 2 days ago I spent the day with his Mum. She is elderly and needed some help. 



I have two friends. I see them once a year for a birthday day we give each other presents this day and we talk, interrupting each other for hours about our year. 


That's it. 

Re: Best Friends Club

@Mustang67 dearest friend,  I'm sorry I couldn't reply yesterday.  School holidays are busy! EMDR is Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) therapy is a mental health treatment technique. This method involves moving your eyes a specific way while you process traumatic memories. EMDR's goal is to help you heal from trauma or other distressing life experiences.

But you need to make sure you have an EMDR trained psychologist do this as it can go wrong in the wrong hands. It's confronting and I cry a lot during it but overtime my feelings about my sister have been of acceptance of our relationship and also peace. I think it may be helpful for you if you are interested. 


I am so sorry for everything you endured. I feel the tremendous amount of pain in your words.  This was never about you and maybe your ex-partner took his life as a punishment to himself for all he made you suffer. Maybe he couldn't live with himself after all that happened. 

But that was his choice and although he caused you so much pain, you have a heart of gold and still visit his resting place.

Your empathy and kindness will help you heal overtime. 

Sending you hugs my @Mustang67 .

Things will get better bit by bit.

Here for you and let me know if you have any questions about EMDR 🧡🫂

Re: Best Friends Club

@Glisten , how are your aches today @Glisten ? I'm taking a break from camping packing. We leave tomorrow for Batemans Bay! So much to carry....


Hope you had a good day! Kramer was my favourite character of Seinfeld,  the least self absorbed one of all of them 😂.


Hugs my friend 🧡 

Re: Best Friends Club



Oh no not the library, I want to be loud and raucous with a lot of belly laughs. Let’s meet at a pretty park?

Re: Best Friends Club

@Shaz51 ohhh yummmm! I love muffins too my @Shaz51 shazzy my sis.

Hope car servicing went well!

I couldn't join the forum chat today...busy packing for camping. Luckily husband has been pretty calm.and packed all the big stuff without complaining or getting angry. 


How's Mr Shaz tonight? Any news on S3 results? 


Hugs my lovely 😍 

Re: Best Friends Club

@Shaz51 oh shazzy, hope you have your feet up and are enjoying a nice cuppa 🤗

Re: Best Friends Club

Hi Best Friends 


I have lots of magpies  - mynas and larks around this spring and I talk to them and they trust me now  - it's wonderful 


But today a myna had its foot tangled in a thread in one of my bushes  - one of the juvenile magpies came to my door to tell me about it - this was strange  - beautiful and sad


I was able to ftee the myna and it flew off with the thread still around its leg - there was nothing else I could do but let it go  - God knows when every sparrow falls though so certainly our native birds are in his care 


I love all these birds  - they are distantly related and they are often together  - juveniles I knows. If they get too noisy an adult males swoops them out of my garden 


This is something really wonderful in my life

