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Re: Best Friends Club

@Mustang67 I am so glad that you chose what was going to make you feel at peace yesterday.  And you are right, you pushed through and ended up having a lovely day with friends. Grief doesn't leave us, it changes over time so it becomes more manageable.  And it sounds you are definitely in that journey of grief changing.

I was going to suggest the writing of a letter or your emotions and then burning it but then I thought burning may be upsetting. I don't know why I thought that.  But yes, it's a great idea. I need to do that with all my feelings too after everything that's happened.  I just need to find a place to do it safely and away from the kids. 

Hugs to you and I hope Monday goes OK. The day will pass and you will be OK.

Sending you love and hugs 🫂 🤗 xx

Re: Best Friends Club

morning @Oaktree , @Glisten , @Captain24 


try again next time to have a swim, too many marsh flies 

Re: Best Friends Club

@Shaz51 good morning!! Ouch! Flies! 

Well the intention was good with getting up early and exercising 😀.  Do you have some ointment for the bites? Hope it's not painful or itchy now.


I have a busy day grocery shopping and decluttering.  Kids are on holidays so trying to plan some fun things to do together.  We are going camping on Friday and coming back Monday. Camping at Batemans Bay in NSW.


Good morning to everyone else! So many new members 🥰...welcome!!!

Re: Best Friends Club

@Oaktree oh no! I hate it when that happens and I can't get enough sleep. Hopefully you got enough sleep to function today and get those yummy sandwiches to your Church event. You overcater too? 🙂...for us it's a cultural thing but yes, visitors never leave empty handed. Also helps clear the fridge 🙂


Sending you energy for the day! 🥰

Re: Best Friends Club

hey my sister @Healandlove 

Home now and not itching which is good , we had to drive with the windows for a little while to get rid of the marsh flies 


Ha ha I started tiding up a little bit and Mr. Shaz said " are you expecting visitors " 

have a great day sis 

from shazzy xxx

Re: Best Friends Club

@Shaz51 my sister Shazzy,  I meant if S3 is the closest emotionally to you 🙂. Sounds like he is! 


Yes inlaws are difficult.  I really hope my kids have better luck that I had and that they are loved and accepted for who they are. Sadly my inlaws wanted someone else for their son and I was only accepted as long as I toed the line. 



Re: Best Friends Club

hello @Ainjoule 

how are you and you little princess going 😍

Re: Best Friends Club

@Shaz51 😂😂😂 Mr Shaz is a classic hahaha. 

Yes, my husband only tidies up his things when we have visitors...which is not often.


You too my sis, have a great day and keep cool.


Those marsh flies sound dangerous haha...I can just picture the car and the flies.

Re: Best Friends Club

 I meant if S3 is the closest emotionally to you ---- yes he is the youngest @Healandlove , ha ha 32 years old now 😁 crazy , talks to his dad all the time 


S2 is 34 but mummy`s boy 


S1 is 36 and calls me mum , he and his wife has made a big boundary with his real mum 


D1 is 37  is daddy`s girl 😂 



Re: Best Friends Club

yes, my husband only tidies up his things , same here sis , I cant touch his stuff or move them as he cant find anything 😂😂
