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Re: Best Friends Club



I always thought of myself as a hot chip connoisseur. I think I should go around rating them lol. Do a book like Michelin

Re: Best Friends Club

@Oaktree I've been a member on the "Adelaide hot chip lovers" facebook page for ages.  Like I said... not obsessed at all! 😁

Re: Best Friends Club



Maybe I should join just in case I make it to SA

Re: Best Friends Club

@Mustang67  Good evening MJG017 thanks you so much. How are you going?


To be honest, ive had better days, but these days tend to come along so I assume this to will pass 🙃

Re: Best Friends Club

@Oaktree  Maybe I should join just in case I make it to SA


You could.  Or just ask me, I can tell you all the best ones with proper chips! 😁


Re: Best Friends Club



I joined, curiosity got the better of me. Seems that’s the only hot chip lovers page in Australia 

Re: Best Friends Club

@rav3n hey yes your right
we will hike, set up, then sleep, pack up, hike to cars like a loop
Nicki won’t be coming she’s too boisterous haha not sure how she would go in the night

Re: Best Friends Club



So where do you reckon are the best hot chips in SA?

Re: Best Friends Club

@MJG017 well hopefully by chatting to some wonderful people on here, it will help improve your day a bit.


After drinking a bottle of wine, I am feeling happier than I was this morning 😊

Re: Best Friends Club

@Healandlove thank you for your kind words. After posting on her this morning I realised that it distracted me from the feelings that were building up inside. So I thought that it would probably be a good idea to go, as being around good people would distract me as well. So I got dressed and went.


I hardly thought about the ex while there, and had a good time catching up with a friend that I hadn't seen in a little while. I had a good time. And now my rugby game will start in 15 minutes, so that will keep my mind from thinking about him.