SANE Online Forums

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Re: Best Friends Club


You had me at hot chips! 😍


I've always loved them when they're done properly, just as you described.  It takes extra time and effort, but sooo worth it.  There's a very small number of chip shops here in Adelaide that still so proper, fresh cut, not frozen, real chips.  One is close by, the others are about 30-40 minute drives away.  I must know every one here in Adelaide.  Not that I'm obsessed or anything  :face_with_rolling_eyes:

Re: Best Friends Club

Re: Best Friends Club

@TAB I found after posting my post on here, I started to feel a bit better.  So I went along and socialised and drank some wine, and I hardly thought about it at all 😊

Re: Best Friends Club

Welcome to the group @Beansprout, nice to meet you.

Re: Best Friends Club

W🙂onderful @Mustang67  sounds really good. I am happy that you were able to do that. 

Re: Best Friends Club

Hi @Harmonium I found after posting my post on here, I started to feel a bit better. So I went along and socialised and drank some wine, and I hardly thought about it at all. I even enjoyed myself and had a few laughs.  😊

Re: Best Friends Club

Well done @Mustang67, I'm so pleased for you that it worked out so well.

Re: Best Friends Club

@TAB I can definitely see a change in my thinking after doing my latest workshop, as normally I wouldn't have gone and stayed at home feeling miserable and going over the events leading up to his death in my head. But by going out, it took my mind off it.

Re: Best Friends Club

Good evening @MJG017 thanks you so much. How are you going?

Re: Best Friends Club

Exacta mundo @Mustang67 😊