SANE Online Forums

Saving Lives. Crisis Support. Suicide Prevention.

Re: Best Friends Club

@Shaz51 hey Shazzy, hope you have been okay. Life is so hard. Yea day off. Very anxious. Ha. Hope it gets easier for you. Take care

Re: Best Friends Club

Life is so hard. Yea day off. Very anxious. ---- ohh my awesome friend @Meowmy please take care and I and @tyme are here for you if you want to talk about it 

sending you lots of hugs xx

Re: Best Friends Club

@Shaz51 hey Shazzy,  thanks for the warm support. You are an amazing woman


Re: Best Friends Club

Hey everyone, a while ago we decided that we needed a best friends club especially for people who want to make more friends. I would like to personally invite you all to get involved here. I am working my way through a list of new members here. There have been a lot lately so it may take me some time to work my way through. A big forums welcome to you all. Please tell us about yourselves and or read back a few pages and jump right in to the conversation.


@Liberty @Gabster7 @Annette11 @Eyad @Terri1 @Psycospirit @BeautifullyScar @DownMoreThanUp @eggshell @Beansprout @Trixiedog @Paulie @SomethingGood @Protagonist81 @Lillipilli @Seems-positive @Viccyrose14 @Koa30 @Jimmy @Patticake @Hypermania @Sir @Shift83 @ozgal 


Re: Best Friends Club

Hey guys!! I hope you are all doing ok 🩷 my name is Sarah, I’m a 26 year old gal who is studying psychology and really loving it but also not coping well 80% of the time hahaah. 

I have a diagnosis of bipolar disorder 2, generalised anxiety, panic disorder & depression to name a few lol. I’ve been feeling a lot brighter these last few days and that’s huge for me.  Don’t have many friends (or any) anymore because my mental health has taken a lot from me and I’m sure some of you can relate! But I do my best to stay positive and remember that I’ve gotten through awful times before and there is always a brighter day on the other side of the bad times. 

Sorry I’m rambling hahah but nice to meet you guys, happy to talk and make friends!🥰🩷

Re: Best Friends Club

Hello and welcome 😊 @Beansprout 

Re: Best Friends Club

Hi @Beansprout 


I have bipolar as well. I don’t have many friends but I would like to work on that

Re: Best Friends Club

@Mustang67 sorry for your loss. You only have one life and today you’re as young as you’ll ever be, so dive your life the way you want/need and just try to be kind to yourself and others as you’re doing your thing : )

Re: Best Friends Club

Hi @Beansprout it is lovely to meet you. I too don't have many friends anymore. I hit rock bottom in 2018 after losing everything I cared about and loved. I was so depressed and shut every body out. I sure found out who my true friends were, and that wasn't many. So I definitely know what it feels like. 


I am glad that you try to stay positive and remember that there are brighter days ahead. I actually need up getting a tattoo on my arm that says "This too shall pass", to remind me that however bad and hopeless I am feeling,  it will pass.


And you never need to apologise for letting us know a little bit about you.


I was feeling really sad and crying this morning,  but after being on here, it helped me take my mind off things, and I felt a bit better. 


So welcome 😊🌻