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Re: Best Friends Club



I had the same problem. Choosing just one food is difficult. Stews are great in winter 

Re: Best Friends Club

@Oaktree Reminds me to practice some gratitude at the fact that we have access to such a plethora of delicious cuisines!!


I do also enjoy a hearty roast in the winter too! I will absolutely fight my siblings over who gets the biggest piece of crackling 😂

Re: Best Friends Club

well maybe winter only for winter. so lamb shank and veg soup @Oaktree 

and too may to choose from re desserts, but golden syrup dumplings . 

Summer .. really good cold cuts and salads , greek salad, bean salad w beetroot, waldorf salad, yes, caesar  dessert : fresh fruit and icecream @Jacques @Shaz51 @Snowie @Glisten 

yes re German potato salad, if you have never had it, dont know what missing out on. can eat hot or cold, could just eat it on its own or with anything.. just amazing

Re: Best Friends Club

winter: chicken soup (aka Jewish penicillin) and crusty bread with butter

summer: BBQ steak and lots of salad

Re: Best Friends Club



Sounds like I need to find a recipe for German Potato Salad 

Re: Best Friends Club

there are a million variations @Oaktree  basic rules no peas , no carrot.

mum(not German) made a brilliant fake one that would have had home made mayo(condensed milk) chopped raw onion , hers had sweet gherkins(all we could get) paprika, salt and pepper and Love ... lol 

sisters inlaws was dift flavour profile  probs had garlic (we didnt know what is was back in the day lol), halved hard boiled eggs on top so gherkins, poss had chopped ham and looked more orangey cos way more paprika think. each brilliant , mums better tho.

Re: Best Friends Club

Chocolate chocolates and chocolate 

Re: Best Friends Club



Your Mum’s version sounds delicious!

I love gherkins. Sounds like a winner 

Re: Best Friends Club



But what kind of chocolate?

Re: Best Friends Club

Great question @Oaktree 

Thanks for including me.


Winter would have to be a roast. Turkey with potatoes, pumpkin, carrot, corn and of course cheesy cauliflower topped of with gravy.


Summer would be soup dumplings. Not really a summer food but love them!