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Getting myself out of a negative state

I'm trying to get myself out of a negative state.


I thought writing about how I was feeling (in another thread) would help but it made me worse. I'm sorry if my writing made anyone else feel depressed. 


I think I have been being very hard on myself. 


Sorry, I'm not sure if I'm making sense. I'm just trying to get myself out of a negative state. 


Re: Getting myself out of a negative state

Hey @Arizona ,


Sounds like you are finding things tough at the moment and feeling a bit down and feeling negative about things. You also identified that you might be being a bit hard on yourself. remember to reach out for support if you need outside of the forums space too. if you are feeling depressed it might be worth chatting to your GP or seeing a counsellor and you can always call helplines if you need some one to talk to. There is that old saying a problem shared is a problem halved. finding positive distractions that you enjoy can help too, so that it gives you a break if the negative stte feels constant or overwhelming.   

Re: Getting myself out of a negative state

Hi @mango-tree-3 


Thank you very much for your reply.


I'm getting myself out of a negative state by focusing on what makes me happy, what makes me feel good, self forgiveness, self compassion, being kind to myself, self care etc.


I'm sorry, I didn't explain myself very well.

Re: Getting myself out of a negative state

@Arizona   So difficult deciding whether to post our negativity or not sometimes.  We try to keep things positive but our reality builds up to the point that we have to express it.  And that's what the forum is here for - isn't it?.


I hope today is a good one for you @Arizona and that the sun is shining for you.


Take care.

Re: Getting myself out of a negative state

I appreciate your posts here @Arizona 

What you said about - getting out of a negative state by focusing on what makes me happy, what makes me feel good, self forgiveness, self compassion, being kind to myself, self care etc. - has pushed me to consciously think about those things in the hope of a better day. I am in a down space atm for a range of reasons.

Sometimes it's really hard to know what will help - letting it out can be cathartic, though I have also had similar experiences where it just made me feel worse. @Historylover agree - so good to have a safe space either way.

Re: Getting myself out of a negative state

Hi @Arizona @frog @Historylover @mango-tree-3 ,

Sorry you have had such problems @Arizona . You really are going through a rough trot. I hope you have sunshine to make your day brighter. Sending hugs and best wishes to you and your pug.


Re: Getting myself out of a negative state

Hi, I haven't seen your other post but it's great that you reached out again. You aren't alone. I'm also working to get out of a negative state and I know it's not easy. One strategy I'm using is an act of self care every day, like washing my hair or having a healthy breakfast. Basic stuff has been challenging the past few weeks especially.  Maybe you could consider chatting with someone on the counselling helpline to get direct support - this is something I'll do in the week coming up. Thinking of you,  stay strong 🙂

Re: Getting myself out of a negative state

How's your CBT? I mean it's seen as generally a bit good for everyone. But in my experience, when it comes to negative schemas and nervousness, CBT is not everything but kind of an essential tool for the toolbox. I meeeaaaaaannnnn, the cognitive side isn't everything but it seems to make the rest easier, in my experience at least. Mainly the part where lobes process the data of an overworked amygdala. Dealing with things one schema at a time seems innefficient but every settled schema makes things that much more in the "ok, so what? now what?" phase.


The phase(s) I just described, I got from a TED talk by a sports psychologist.

Re: Getting myself out of a negative state

Hi @Historylover and @frog ,


Thank you very much for your replies. I appreciate your support and understanding.


I think this is what happened...


My housing agency contacted me and it triggered me. I thought writing about it would help but it made me worse and I got stuck in a negative state.


It was so bad that I had suicidal thoughts (I haven't had suicidal thoughts for about two years).


I sent a text message to my therapist and she said she would call me yesterday but she forgot.


We have another appointment that was already booked for tomorrow night. I have sent her a text message reminding her about it so she doesn't forget again.


I don't know why my housing agency affects me like this. I'm still in a negative state but it isn't as bad as it was. It's like I hate myself. I hope this isn't upsetting for anyone to hear.

Re: Getting myself out of a negative state

Hi @Arizona  doesn't help when you reach out to your psychologist and they 'forget' I am sorry as that hurts. I do hope you managed to talk with her at your appointment.  I am not surprised that you feel so negative about your housing situation, it is what makes us feel safe and secure having a roof over our heads knowing that you are safe is the foundation in which to build your mental resilience and a happier you. Hope you are feeling better today 🌻🌸