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13-08-2021 10:42 PM
13-08-2021 10:42 PM
Thanks @Zoe7 and @Anastasia
Yes - I am glad to be back - I got very upset for a while - that's all
Now I have to post a photo of my jade plant which my daughter planted in the pot it was in back in 2003 and the ti-tree is self-sown and grown in there too - they have embraced each other and I don't think I could get rid of one without the other - actually these "sweet-hearts" are unique and I love them
These plants really love each other
13-08-2021 11:35 PM
13-08-2021 11:35 PM
I love that @Owlunar thank you for sharing 🙏💕
14-08-2021 07:40 AM
14-08-2021 07:40 AM
Love how they have grown together @Owlunar
16-08-2021 02:26 PM
16-08-2021 02:26 PM
The Penultimate Straw
It's always important to notice the second last straw because the last straw is messy and I have no intention of letting life get that bad
However - when I was listening to the TV earlier and I heard Dan Andrews talking about people who are wilfully ignoring the lock-down restrictions. I felt really tired - and okay - this wore off but still - we are in our 6th lock-down in Melbourne and it is wearing thin
For the millions of us who are all touched by something with these lock-downs - I guess we will continue to comply - knowing that all the people who do are doing everything possible to keep us all safe and I am glad for this. But the few who are angry and feel they are losing their freedom unreasonably and trangress the restrictions organised to keep us safe and overcome this virus - this is starting to make me feel angry and why not?
The only thing I can do is to keep complying - hopefully enough people will be vaccinated soon and we can have some of our freedom back - in the meantime I know people in this forum are really suffering and I am with you - not suffering as seriously as most I am sure - I have plenty of things to occupy me and enough resilience to be okay about it.
Still I care about countless people alone in their homes feeling all sorts of contrait in their lives but complying - and families homeschooling while working at home - how can that be easy - possible even - I think I need another ablation into my shoulder but wonder if I can have that any time soon. People are missing family members - friends, how can this be good. But we are doing it.
I am having my rant and I think this is enough - but we are entitled to have our say.
16-08-2021 04:04 PM
17-08-2021 11:19 PM
18-08-2021 11:15 AM
18-08-2021 11:15 AM
Hi @Shaz51 - I'm glad you like my cuddling plants - it's amazing that I walk past these every day and never noticed how affectionate they were becoming until recently and now I have to go outside and check them everyday.
Hi @outlander
I did get really unhappy and really tired about the COVID situation and the lock-downs and the incondsiderate people making the situation worse - I got over it though. I think it's really important to be in touch with our feelings - we can think about things and put them aside - or at least I try my best. Like a lot of things and for an awful lot of people things are wearing thin.
I took several weeks out from the forum recently - I am still catching up with a lot of people - so I am unsure how things are going with you - your family - and esp your Pop. It's very hard to have to care for someone with dementia. I understand that
One of my SW mother is developing dementia and I am getting a different idea - my SW does work with some people with dementia but with her mother it's so much harder - this little insight is expanding my mind and I really care - when she is telling me about it I think of you and being Pop's carer when you are so young
Sending my best thoughts
19-08-2021 05:15 PM
19-08-2021 05:15 PM
hello my mum @Owlunar
we are now thinking of selling our house block and going travelling , love to do the west coast of tassie and also travelling new zealand some time xx
how are you going today
I had my first covid19 jab today
ohhh sometimes we just dont know what to do , it is sooo hard
21-08-2021 10:24 AM
21-08-2021 10:24 AM
Ha ha changing our minds all the time my mum @Owlunar
Think it is a bipolar 2 trait for my Mr shaz , poor darling
Hope you are feeling ok xx
Today I slept in Had breakfast and put on a load of washing And now gone back to bed
22-08-2021 09:13 AM
22-08-2021 09:13 AM
Hi @Shaz51
Oh dear - poor Mr Shaz and uncertainty - of course all of life is uncertain - that's the only sure thing about life - but how much harder it is with anxiety. And how hard for you with your health issues and your caring for two other people who need you so badly
What to do? What to do?
Is there a time limit about deciding what to do with your land and your insurance money? It's a lovely thought to think about travelling - right now that's not certain either - you could go through all the mind-bending issues about building and sell if it doesn't work out and travel in the future.
Is it possible to travel with your mother so unwell? Questions. Questions.
Such a bother.
I want to travel too - and I am vaccinated - but I certainly don't want to get locked-down, locked-out, worse than that - 14 days quarantined or isolated. Worst of all - the virus. I am okay sitting this out at alone at home - I have read so many novels during this hiatus - I read most of the books I had and ordered more - I will remember this time as my great-novel-fest but also how itchy my feet have become wanting to get away - to see my grand-daughter in Queensland and then - to stay in Cairns and enjoy the tropical heat
Life has challenges and right now I am glad I am alone with mine - and they are few - you though - have the care of two people who are not really compliant -
You really are a champion Shaz
Thumbs up for Shaz
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