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Re: Destiny

Why are you worrying about her not caring? Remember YOUR goal. You need to work on yourself. @Rockdog "You have to love yourself first". 


All the energy spent on worrying and be spent on getting ready. It can be spent on what you need to do to be who you want to be.


Keep that focus.

Re: Destiny

Hi @tyme,

you are right. That is what I need to do.

I was just feeling a little bit sad the other day and thinking of her. I am working on me now, and I feel focused at the moment. I feel like things are about to take off. I guess I just want to know she cares, because I do. I  think the wave and smile was a yes. 

Re: Destiny

I'm hearing you @Rockdog .


I'm sure you do a lot of thinking. I'm glad you hear you feel more focussed though. That's a start. 


Have you been ringing around to see if places offer any certs in your areas of interest?

Re: Destiny

Oh, I should say we are hopping onto a Peer Group Chat on Internal Conflict if you are interested.


@Rockdog Thursday 7pm AEST

Re: Destiny

Hi @tyme ,

sorry I missed the online chat. I do a lot of thinking and live in my head too much.

I have been re admitted back into my law which is good. I think I want to finish that first. I will keep looking for a good counselling course as well but haven’t found any yet. I am going to do a DBT program, but that is for me. With our chats, you think she did like me don’t you? We did say yes but I get scared with what she said at the end. Anyway I’m working on me and think I can be a lot better. Hope you are going well 

Re: Destiny

At least that is progress. @Rockdog . Good on you. I really hope you will find something that suits you and something that makes you feel empowered. You deserve it. I'm glad to hear you are working on yourself. 


The evidence is clear. You just need to be ready. 

Re: Destiny

Hi @tyme,

how are you going? I have a lot of work to do. When I look at my law I realise I am nearly half done. I will regret if I don’t at least become official. I can then put it aside and work on new challenges. I am really up and down, sometimes I see things and sometimes I can’t. You do think it was clear? I do but then doubt it.

I need to be positive, I AM going to change. 

Re: Destiny

Hi @tyme,

Hope you are going well. I am feeling pretty positive at the moment. I feel that things are travelling on the path they are for a reason. I can’t explain it but I sort of feel like the obstacles are there for a reason as well. I was stuck in a rut, and though I have gone backwards, I think it is to help go forwards. I want to be ready for my dreams to come true. 

Re: Destiny

Hi @tyme,

I do have a bit of a problem because I have been talking to someone who is really nice, but isn’t my special person. I am worried that the more I talk the more the possibility of being dragged from my destiny. I know that is looking too far ahead, and my destiny isn’t ready yet but I don’t want to get off track. I know you said friends are good.   

Re: Destiny

Hi @tyme ,

hope you are going well. Things haven’t really been progressing very fast for me at the moment. I am having a bit of trouble being patient.