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Looking after ourselves

Re: Inspirational Quote of the Day

Oh @Jacques

I am always falling off limbs and tripping over precipices ...

Re: Inspirational Quote of the Day

Can you see the last quote @Appleblossom? Or was that in response to another one. Just curious

Re: Inspirational Quote of the Day

How far can we go  ... out on a limb ... a self help book by famous actress ...  Shirley MacL

maybe I broke the bough??

Self Help books pics often do the cliff face ... etc ... sorry if it didnt make sense ... does it connect now? @Former-Member

Re: Inspirational Quote of the Day

Hi ladies, thank you for adding to this @Appleblossom and thank you @Former-Member

I hope you are both well, sorry for not being on here, too much going on.

Take care, be safe


Re: Inspirational Quote of the Day

Re: Inspirational Quote of the Day

Thanks @Appleblossom. Sometimes I need people to draw me a picture 🤔  I googled Shirley McLean. I had no idea she had written so many self help books. You learn something new everyday and yes I now get your comment. Thanks for explaining. 💜😊

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Re: Inspirational Quote of the Day

Goof old Shirley, she's a women ahead of her time, very 'New Age' & somewhat excentric it seems. Loved her in Steel Magnolias & Terms of Endearments.

Enjoying the picture quotes @Jacques, thank you, its one of my things 'quick quotes' Nutshelling things 🙂

Re: Inspirational Quote of the Day

Re: Inspirational Quote of the Day

sorry guys, this one made me smile when i saw it Smiley Happy i think it is worth showing

Re: Inspirational Quote of the Day

ANd you make me smile when I see your profile pic ... popping up ... I dont always say hello .. but you can be a sight for sore eyes @Jacques

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