SANE Online Forums

Saving Lives. Crisis Support. Suicide Prevention.

Re: Join us for our online mindfulness group // Tues 26th May, 7-8.30pm AEST // Guest facilitator: SANE Counsellor, Amour_Et_Psyché!

Hi @Shaz51 ! Smiley Very Happy I agree @frog - self-forgiveness, mindfulness and meditation can be hard work full stop but even more so when you are struggling with complex mental health issues! For this, a big Kudos to all of you participating today and doing the hard-work. With patience, practise and persistence, this kind of work can really transform and improve your quality of life! Heart

Re: Join us for our online mindfulness group // Tues 26th May, 7-8.30pm AEST // Guest facilitator: SANE Counsellor, Amour_Et_Psyché!

Hey there @Fluttershy1 welcome! Click on this meditation:



After you've done it, come back here and post your comments on how it felt by hitting "reply" on anyone else's post 🙂 Refresh your browser every minute or so to see comments back to you Heart Enjoy the meditation 🧘

Re: Join us for our online mindfulness group // Tues 26th May, 7-8.30pm AEST // Guest facilitator: SANE Counsellor, Amour_Et_Psyché!

Great insights @Kritika @NatureLover @frog @Former-Member @Shaz51 and others 🙂 moving onto discussion point 2...


During the time you spent repeating the mantra “in anyway I’ve harmed someone else through my thoughts, words or actions, I forgive myself; I continue to have an open heart” what sort of emotions were you experiencing? What were the physiological responses associated to these emotions? 



Re: Join us for our online mindfulness group // Tues 26th May, 7-8.30pm AEST // Guest facilitator: SANE Counsellor, Amour_Et_Psyché!

i just remembered that it is me who is hurt too i forgot about myself .felt blank cried.

Re: Join us for our online mindfulness group // Tues 26th May, 7-8.30pm AEST // Guest facilitator: SANE Counsellor, Amour_Et_Psyché!

Hi @Mavis1 , I'm one of the moderators here on the forums and thought I'd pop in as I can see that you're wanting to join tonight's Mindfulness Group and are having some issues with loading the page.  The forums can be tricky if you're on a phone and they work much better on a computer or laptop.  Also refreshing the page can help and then scroll down to the bottom.  


It's great that you're here and we'd love you to get the most out of the session tonight.  Here also is a link with some additional tips on how to navigate the forums.


If you have any questions just tag me with an @ in front of my name.  Hope this all helps 🙂 

Re: Join us for our online mindfulness group // Tues 26th May, 7-8.30pm AEST // Guest facilitator: SANE Counsellor, Amour_Et_Psyché!

no im on a laptop but i cant hear anything? and its hard to follow message threads as they go back to email then you click on them - sorry the thread isn't easy to follow and i cant hear anything

Re: Join us for our online mindfulness group // Tues 26th May, 7-8.30pm AEST // Guest facilitator: SANE Counsellor, Amour_Et_Psyché!

During the repetition of the mantra I felt relief - I hadn't even realised I needed to do this, but I could feel how healthy it was to do.


Not sure it was a physiological response, but I felt myself sag in relief. 

Re: Join us for our online mindfulness group // Tues 26th May, 7-8.30pm AEST // Guest facilitator: SANE Counsellor, Amour_Et_Psyché!

@Kritika  "Felt blank" I felt really connected to that. Have never heard that verbalised but I think I relate to this. What did it feel like to cry after thank blank feeling? We're all here to listen Heart

Re: Join us for our online mindfulness group // Tues 26th May, 7-8.30pm AEST // Guest facilitator: SANE Counsellor, Amour_Et_Psyché!

@NatureLover that is really lovely. Could be the physiological response for sure Heart It's so great when the body starts to drop like that. Kind of makes you realise how much influence the brain has over the body hey?

Re: Join us for our online mindfulness group // Tues 26th May, 7-8.30pm AEST // Guest facilitator: SANE Counsellor, Amour_Et_Psyché!

@Mavis1 Oh no 😞 Sounds like there's a tech issue. We are unsure as to why there is no sound for you. Would recommend restarting your computer if it helps. I am sorry this is happening we are really keen for you to join in Heart