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Something’s not right

Re: worried

That's what tells you that maybe the waiting room is not the right place for you to be waiting, with the way you are feeling about it.

I like @Former-Member's idea of window-shopping .... you don't know what you might see ..... 😊

Re: worried

i guess your right @Faith-and-Hope i just want to do the right thing by pop. im not the best carer thats for sure,but learning all the same

thank you Heart

Re: worried

You are doing great as a carer my @outlanderSmiley Happy

Re: worried

thanks @Shaz51 im trying

Re: worried

There probably isn't a "best carer" role to live up to @outlander ..... each of us just leads with our heart to the best of our ability in the moment ...... and there are so many different aspects to who we as carers, and who our cared-for's are, that there is no actual standard to this role.

As @Shaz51 just said ..... you are putting your best foot forward with it, and that is all anyone can do. Well done ..... just keep going, and keep asking questions about anything you need reassurance about. We all help each other ......

Re: worried


I have had biopsies without a carer or a lift home.  It is trickier in your situation as there is the reversal that you are caring for your parent.  So it is natural that you might 2nd guess yourself .. and you dont have the experience of parenting and an adult often needs less care than a child. It all depends on his functioning.

If in doubt re medical appointments ask the medical staff what level of care they think he will need.  A lot of the time its only really the drive home and someone to keep a vague eye on him that is required.

The best carers do not stress unecesarily, but its a learning process.  Definitely self care. You wont help him or you.  I guess you have had enough hospital situations so being on call but doing something to distract yourself sounds like the best idea.

Its learning on the job.  You cannot know all about it, not even the medicos know all about it.  It helps to think of the questions you need to know ahead of time.  Just write them dowin case you forget to ask.

You are pretty special doing this stuff for your pop.

Woman Happy

Re: worried

I agree .... ❣️

Re: worried

@outlander I've always found that people who say that are the most people youcould thinnk about staying.

It's difficult because you want them to feel that they are making decisions in their own lives. Can you tell him that you are just popping over to the cafe and leave your mobile number with the Doctors and nurses ?

 Yes, I agree with the forumites, that you are very special.....

I agree with @Former-Member @Faith-and-Hope @Appleblossom

window shopping is wonderful and getting information from the nurses is professional....

Re: worried

hello @PeppiPatty ive organised with pop provided he still want it this way is ill get him in there and make sure hes ok, leave all my details with the nurses and make sure his phone has my number on the front that way he only has to click it and itll call me.


Re: worried

@outlander You are a special good carer......


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