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Something’s not right

Senior Contributor

Re: Son2

@Meowmy  You are right Meowmy :). Just keep telling me your wise words Meowmy so my negative voices dont take over and leave me in doubt. Thank you for your care. You are indeed a good friend who the pea values

Senior Contributor

Re: Son2

@greenpea hey little pea. You may be suffering separation anxiety coz son two leaving nest for the world. Just think how proud and happy you will be, to see him fit in and gets better mentally and can function and enjoy what the world can offer.

Senior Contributor

Re: Son2

@Meowmy  yes I think you are right re seperation anxiety. He got his diagnosis of autism at 2 1/2 years old and it has been a constant battle since then with his epilepsy and then his schizophrenia. I cannot help but feel super protective and worried because it has been going on so long and I have not been able to make it all better for him. 


You are right however nothing would make me happier than to see him with a girlfriend and in a job. That would make me thrilled to bits :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D.

Senior Contributor

Re: Son2

@greenpea hey little pea. Only if you let go that he can

Senior Contributor

Re: Son2

Re: Son2

afternoon @greenpea
I know today wont be much easier but I do hope you have some time for some self care today. It isn't easy at all even if it is the right thing to do.
Do you think you could speak to your psychiatrist or your psychologist, if I remember right you had a good connection with one of them? it defiantly sounds like abit of extra support would be a good idea.

Would you like me to share some of the things that help me when im in a dark place feeling smothered by my own thoughts and sh urges?
Senior Contributor

Re: Son2

@outlander  Hi outlander that would be great if you dont mind 🙂

Re: Son2

I don't mind at all Heart @greenpea

Depnding on my mood and energy levels these are some of the things that help me
-a hot shower
- watching a funny or engaging movie which for me is things like jurrassic park- something abit intense but not overly scary,
- exercise- usually abit of cardio like some weights or exercise bike
- journaling or using my worry box
-crochet or something crafty
- baking or trying out a new recipie.

mm im sure there are more but im not coming up with much. When I have really high sh urges I feel like I need to get out that nervous energy or have something to really focus on to get my mind off those thoughts.

Re: Son2

Coping Box Got a coping strategy that you find good? Share it here 🙂  these 2 threads have some ideas in there too if none of mine stand out

hope something helps 🙂

Senior Contributor

Re: Son2

@outlander  Thanks outlander :)Heart

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