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Re: Tabaluga's

Hey @greenpea @TAB @Meowmy @PeppyPatti @Glisten @Dreamy  and all


Group was good. Left early for my CT scan. Which I arrived for over an hour early, but I needed the loo so I went in rather than wait in my car...and they put me in early!!! I'm not actually due til 3.30pm! ie ten minutes from now. But am done and dusted and at home already lol

Went well. Find out results Saturday. Not expecting anything.


Hope your days have been good

Re: Tabaluga's

@StuF glad group was good. What a bonus being able to get in early. You got any plans for the rest of the day? 


My day has been a bit all over the place but I'm hanging in there as best I can. 

Re: Tabaluga's


Just had a walk (really need to get back in the habit) and now some ironing to do


Keep on keeping on (as best you can)

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

..what is this ironing of which you speak @StuF  ? is it a waffle iron lol.. I have not used an iron for more then funerals in last near 40 odd years lol

eff hot outside, went looking for cat couple times then went back to library to print off xray form got emailed to me yest. forgot it this morning. wasnt even on usb stick, ha. just got  copies of amended DVA referrals in emails, so thats a win.

think done another tooth. was eating steak ; ok was $20/kg on special for rump so touch more than roast or silverside or mince even. then felt like had bitten into a pebble or something like really hard. instant bad pain, gone away now, but traces of it later on. checked tooth in mirror. its all filling. so thats another one to come out. might be last steak I eat in a while, will be fish and chicken now on , ha. got nothing left to chew it with just about lol. think will check out icy pole thingos and tv with a/c lol. got in for xray tomorrow.

Re: Tabaluga's

@StuF well done StuF re group and scan.


@TAB hey tabby 

Re: Tabaluga's

@StuF @Dreamy I hate ironing. Did some and washing then fell asleep in front of TV. Time to put the bins out and decide what to have for dinner. @TAB not steak TAB.😁

Re: Tabaluga's

@TAB hey tabby, cousin going in half hour. A bit of relief. She tried to make up of late.  

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

well that's something re cousin @Meowmy 

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

Yeah well @Gibbs 

Re: Tabaluga's

@StuF a walk sounds nice. Today seems to have gone really fast which is odd.


I always try my best, sometimes though my best isn't enough.