Saving Lives. Crisis Support. Suicide Prevention.
@Glisten sorry G i painted the inside blue and white. it was a 1950s fibro cottage i loved it BUT it was haunted (not kidding) we all heard things and saw spooks of the previous owners who had died in the house. i only left because my ex refused to pay the mortage until i got financial....
anyway it had a huge backyard where we had chickens and ducks and frog ponds. you would like it.
Nuh they turfed me out under 20 hours. I really loved how the nurses were giving me cheese and crackers. And the room was so clean.
This is a song I particularly detested when I was a teenager. But I loved loved David Bowie Blue Jean's.
@PeppyPatti agree with that yazoo track but liked this one
didnt like that bowie track but liked heroes
@TAB hey tabby, hope your back is getting better. Just chilling for now.
Today is washing day that also seems become chore day.
I've ordered my scripts... means I actually have to go
@TAB you're playing with me.
No, church is tomorrow and Disney sing along songs with my best friends. I need clothes for tomorrow also.
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