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Re: Best Friends Club

Hey hello @Adge 😊


Has the blister busted @Glisten 


Heyy @Jynx 

Re: Best Friends Club



The roof does leak despite being quite new. It especially leaks in the studio where all the guitars and amps are. Oh joy! The contractor did the studio roof just before covid, knew he had made huge errors, offered to put it right then went bankrupt and vanished into thin air. He did not leave enough overhang so guttering is tricky. He also did the same on a small extension, it's so interesting when you are shoving towels and buckets in the rain. Bet you would love to buy my house!

Not Vic, Hills of NSW where black mould is a massive issue. This house is fibro all jazzed up and rendered in a mud brick sort of finish. Lead lights all falling apart. It is home and grateful for that. 


Yes, horses make me feel calm, just the sound of their eating or breath makes me feel calm. I am not so great with very young horses these days, their reactions and mine are bad for both of our fight or flight responses. This I know because I had a 2 year old and it was best we parted ways for both of our sakes. He went to a great home where the right person has him. My heart broke a lot but always must do the right thing for the horse. 


Clydesdales are bliss, very face mooshable but I won't tell Lenny if you won't. Always a good sleep but admittedly a bit of a medicated sleep🙊 Here is the mini lop who forgot to be mini🤣 Bigger than the cat  yet not meaner. Will hunt pics of all other critters when more awake. 


Huge HarlotHuge Harlot






Re: Best Friends Club

See you in Adelaide 

Re: Best Friends Club

I swear I read 'boob blister' @Shaz51 @Glisten probably after all the bra talk, and boy oh boy was that a nice and horrifying thought. Perfect way to end my evening 🤣 Goodnight lovelies 💜

Re: Best Friends Club

BAHAHA 🤣 PAHAHA @Jynx @Shaz51 

Re: Best Friends Club



Fingers and toes all crossed you fly through your cert IV. I love the way you say more difficult yet not impossible. I wish wholeheartedly for the best results to make the journey easier.


More channelling a little Poe at the moment, fleetingly one would hope. You are right. Reaching out and connecting are positive steps in the baby steps forward. Sometimes it just feels so strange. As if the person who was bouncing around with enthusiasm never existed, a person who was not me, maybe you felt that at first too. Sometimes everything just feels surreal, little things like washing dishes. 


Looking at the stars when all is dark and channelling Tolstoy, next on list. Really happy to have found SANE. I feel like I have these profoundly life changing occasional chats with lifeline now and again and have been lucky to have spoken to some incredible people. Actually being here feels like a step to more independent self care in many ways. 


Its not your imagination, people were looking at you there, only in an endearing way😂🤔 If you start channelling Dostoevsky, will be a tad concerned.

Re: Best Friends Club

😂😂😂 @Glisten , @Jynx 


Grandson is 1 and he is already playing with his mum's mobile phone 

Re: Best Friends Club

@Louie333  I’m from Newy lol But I live in WA.

Harlot is BEAUTIFUL!

Your roof! I’m so sad for you. Home insurance probably won’t cover it.

If I was there, I’d give cover your roof in 5 tubes of Sikaflex. It couldn’t make worse.


Re: Best Friends Club

Thanks @Louie333, 3 months ago, I wouldn't even applied for the course, so i'm taking this as a big win.  But it's taken a long time to get here so it does feel good to feel like i'm starting to accept a lot of things I can't control and let go of them and just ... hope for the best.


I do remember one of your first posts... you had so much going on that was troubling you and you said something like moving on or letting go was very difficult for you.  Now you're here and making friends and seem to be finding that way forward.  Like you are starting to let some of it go and beginning to move on.  I think it's a really good start and at the very least you know you have some great support here if you have a bad day or two and some friends for the other days.  So be proud of yourself for what you've achieved so far.


I did try to channel Dostoevsky once, but I started writing and just ended up sitting there thinking "What is the point?  Is there really anybody there to read this?"  So i just felt like it was futile it didn't matter if I kept going or not.


Re: Best Friends Club



Sorry about your roof. I just had a roof restoration done after 30 years of living here. It was very expensive but it has stopped leaking now. They replaced all the broken tiles. 
Here are some before and after pics


The whole roof was black with grime and mould. This is during pressure washing.
