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Re: @Tabaluga's

Division of labour and work around the house is a can of worms. He had an idea he could not do women's work, but he also diddled himself out of doing men's work, which is not to his advantage in the long term.  His dad is a push button automatic kind of guy, very entitled and a bit sly, but I did not realise that when I married him.  


I have lowered and raised standards based on keeping the peace and the house functional and what was essential eg re renovating and raising children.  My right to ask is still a  problem, so it is best if I dont. I keep waiting for him to realise what is necessary.  I am certainly not and never was ... a nag ... or house proud ... so a bit sarky re picture perfect. Kept things good enough to be a respected teacher, but not home beautiful. 


I was a bit hurt by all the home beautifuls in the extended family and nobody gave a s)(*

re brother and sister or I.


Re: @Tabaluga's

sounds hard @Appleblossom couldnt you trick him into doing stuff re son ? probably not worth the bother sounds. yes relatives are all about themselves mostly, can be a hard lesson esp when irretrievably left in their dust, realising that should have run your own race re thinking they might actually be some help when needed it. of course they got way more help when they needed it well everyone likes backing a winner lol

Re: @Tabaluga's

He has spent time being the "tricky" one getting out of things, and you are right its not worth the bother, even if I could turn.   He has mostly not gone down the "nasty" road, and that is a good thing, cos that really messes with the head.  He has to figure out the drawbacks of being passive aggressive, own his energy and life, do things that he likes, as well as useful for living.

Re: @Tabaluga's

well hopefully he grows out of it @Appleblossom

Re: @Tabaluga's

G'day @TAB what's happening ?

Re: @Tabaluga's

Hot as here @Bill16 no cigs 2019 they’re done. Having a refreshing juice drink here lol

Re: @Tabaluga's

Yep I had a few with my beer last night,back on the spray again @TAB

Re: @Tabaluga's

Thats good re spray but I cant trust myself with any @Bill16

Re: @Tabaluga's

The spray is more addictive than the bloody durries @TAB

Re: @Tabaluga's

Myeh less it doesn’t eff yr lungs @Bill16 get onto patches
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