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Re: MENTAL HEALTH AWARENESS MONTH: Australia, Let's Talk (October 2023) - for Carers

Hey @hanami thanks for including me! Let me think.... I guess their ability to support me through my toughest times and give me the space to work on my recovery even though they perhaps didn't think I would ever get this far. 🙂

Re: MENTAL HEALTH AWARENESS MONTH: Australia, Let's Talk (October 2023) - for Carers

@hanami  My girl has amazing inner strength. She is a survivor.

Re: MENTAL HEALTH AWARENESS MONTH: Australia, Let's Talk (October 2023) - for Carers

Hey forums fam! Hope you're all having a thrifty, thankful, thriving Thursday 😁


Thanks all for contributing and getting keen on the conversation! Here's the next question~


What’s a goal you have supported your loved one to achieve? How did it feel when your loved one achieved it? 


For me, it's a heavy one, but I recently supported my sister to leave a toxic/abusive relationship. She was so deep in it, they were set to get married... literally this month! And they only met in August last year! It was really tough to have those conversations with her, and hard to speak my mind to her. At first, she really didn't want to listen either. But I stuck to my values, and also did my best to remind her that no matter what choice she made I would not abandon her either. So when she did leave, it was such a huge relief, and I felt very proud of myself for being open and honest with her, and proud of her for having the courage to leave before it got much harder to do so. 


What about you? 


@hanami @Jupiter @Jynx @amber22 @fluffylight @PizzaMondo @Bon_courage @Ilovepenguins @MissLil @Blackbird11 @Shaz51 @outlander @Eve7 @Zoe7 @Faith-and-Hope @Flying_Hams @Anastasia @NatureLover @Judi9877 @wellwellwellnez @RiverSeal @BPDSurvivor 


@Meowmy @TAB @StuF @Smiling_Gecko @Bill16 @WIP @Appleblossom @EternalFlower @Laura4 @L-mm7 @magpie4 @StanD @creative_writer @Captain24 @Snowie 

Re: MENTAL HEALTH AWARENESS MONTH: Australia, Let's Talk (October 2023) - for Carers

That's a really powerful message. Thank you 

Re: MENTAL HEALTH AWARENESS MONTH: Australia, Let's Talk (October 2023) - for Carers

@Krishna , I totally agree with you,  your daughter is a survivor 🥰

Re: MENTAL HEALTH AWARENESS MONTH: Australia, Let's Talk (October 2023) - for Carers

Wow @Jynx , that is a big one 

Re: MENTAL HEALTH AWARENESS MONTH: Australia, Let's Talk (October 2023) - for Carers

Hello everyone! 


Here is today's question: 


As a Friend, Family member or Carer, what's one thing about your loved one that you're grateful for today, no matter how big or small?


I can't wait to hear your answers 🙂 


 @PizzaMondo @Bon_courage @Ilovepenguins @MissLil @Blackbird11 @Shaz51 @outlander @Eve7 @Zoe7 @Faith-and-Hope @Flying_Hams @Anastasia @NatureLover @Judi9877 @wellwellwellnez @RiverSeal @BPDSurvivor @Meowmy @TAB @StuF @Smiling_Gecko @Bill16 @WIP @Appleblossom @EternalFlower @Laura4 @L-mm7 @magpie4 @StanD @creative_writer @Captain24 @Snowie 


Re: MENTAL HEALTH AWARENESS MONTH: Australia, Let's Talk (October 2023) - for Carers


My partner always tries to make me laugh 💚 4am this morning I was dealing with the most awful gastro symptoms and all we could do was laugh with each other while he rubbed my back 

Re: MENTAL HEALTH AWARENESS MONTH: Australia, Let's Talk (October 2023) - for Carers

Hi @Ilovepenguins 


That's no good about your gastro! UGH, last time I had gastro it was because of food poisoning. I was soooo sick and it lasted for over a week. I hope you feel better soon! And yay to your partner. That's definitely supportive lol.



Re: MENTAL HEALTH AWARENESS MONTH: Australia, Let's Talk (October 2023) - for Carers

Hi Everyone, 

Thanks sharing all that you have. It's been so great reading the responses! 

Today my question is, as a Friend, Family member or Carer, share your favourite self-care practices or activities that help you relax and recharge.  


@Jupiter @Jynx @amber22 @fluffylight @PizzaMondo @Bon_courage @Ilovepenguins @MissLil @Blackbird11 @Shaz51 @Flying_Hams @outlander @Eve7 @Zoe7 @Faith-and-Hope @Judi9877 @wellwellwellnez @RiverSeal @TAB @Patches59 @Horizon @Glisten @creative_writer @Captain24 @Bow @_PixieSolstice_ @StanD @Smiling_Gecko @tyme 

@BlueBay @NatureLover @Krishna @wordman @Jacques @Meggle