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Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

Good to see you @Carlachris ......


I am in "condensed living" housing with no balcony.  I can only open windows when it's not windy, so I have hardly been outside ...... but when my feet are freezing in bed at night I know roughly where the mercury is on the temperature gauge !!!


The weather is much more seasonal here than where we were in WA, so it is lovely to see changes that herald Spring.

Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

It's been so gloomy lately. My garden is coming to life again. Just little signs with buds on the roses and things that change this time of year. I can't get out much due to arthritis in the cold but with the warmth on its way I'm hoping to start painting watercolours and keep more active. I hope you are able to get outside more often it's good medicine. 

Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

Heading back to WA soon @Carlachris ..... that gets me out and about ..... 😊

Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

Hello @SJT63 

It's been a while, it's so good to see you 🤗


I'm doing ok, my boys good, longest stint out of hospital for as long as I can remember. Funny how having me home everyday due to lockdown has been so good for him. 


How's things in your world, you ok hun?


Hi all, I survived the jab today. Cooked a slow cooker casserole, it was sooo good. 

Hugs to all 🤗

@Faith-and-Hope @Carlachris @Smc @Sophia1 @Appleblossom @MumO @AussieRecharger @Determined @Shaz51 @Emelia8 @HenryX 


Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

💖 @Anastasia .....

Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

So you will be a Westerner again soon @Faith-and-Hope Very Good.

Need more Good Company over here.

Many of the WA people seem to move to Melbourne, for some reason - Especially the young people.

Hi @Smc @Determined 

I helped an 80 y.o lady fill out her Census Form - Well actually I did it for her (with her). @Anastasia 

I made sure I checked all the responses with her 1st - So that it was exactly how she wanted to answer the question.

It took a while, that's fine - She was one of the friendly people, who was happy that I helped her get it done.

Mostly it's been: "What do you want"?, "No I don't know anything about a Census", "Go away", etc.

This afternoon a man ordered me to leave the property immediately, with the reason that I was "Making his Dogs Bark".

Oh what Fun....


Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

Hello @Adge it's good to see you. Oh the challenges of Census, I bet the lady loved you and would have been eternally grateful for your patience and help 🙏🤗

Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

Agreed @Adge  ..... good on you ❣️

Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?


Thinking so much of @Darcy this morning ❣️

Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

❤❤ me  too @Faith-and-Hope