SANE Online Forums

Saving Lives. Crisis Support. Suicide Prevention.

Re: Good Morning!

I need to find this research from years back, but it tells us how carbs are like another set of taste buds in our mouth or something.. and yes, we actually crave it... @Glisten 


Anyway, I'd better hop offline now or I'll be dreaming junk food tonight!

Re: Good Morning!

Yep! Just found the research paper. 6th set of taste buds sense carbs @Glisten 

Re: Good Morning!

I think I'm about ready to keel over and die reading this lol!!! 😉 @tyme @Glisten @TAB @MDT 

Re: Good Morning!

@tyme  you can’t beat 6 million years of evolution.

Damn those carbohydrate taste buds. Unless you are an elite athlete, those carbo taste buds are superfluous to my needs.

Is it true that our brain consumes most of our energy?


Re: Good Morning!

Don't know about the brain gobbling up most of our energy.. @Glisten . My brain probably did consume a lot of my energy in the past.... now? LOL... not quite sure. I don't do THAT much thinking lol.


I'm sitting with the kids at the moment watching them play on their lego train set. It's a coding one so they had to build the track and then use the ipad to code the train by giving it directions... it's pretty cool. I don't have my phone with me to take a photo though.


My nephew wanted an electric train set so I had to tell him he's got one already, but the last time he used it, it was too young to understand how to code it... so now he's all excited....


I'm sure their brains are consuming a lot of energy.

Re: Good Morning!

@tyme  Witchcraft! The amalgamation of Lego and coding - AMAZING !


Now if your grandchildren can just work out how to convert human matter into energy and transport it through space . .

sorry I’ve been watching too much Star Trek 🖖🏽


I’m going to see 1st daughter today, then we are going to hangout with her niece and nephew. Aunt Bee is very popular with them.


Tally Ho


Re: Good Morning!

Lego is so so clever @Glisten . There are so many lego coding competitions available that I think the kids will like in when they are older. He's only 6 now.


Have fun hanging out with the littlies today 🙂 


It's such a beautiful day here today. I've been sitting out in the sunshine on the back deck...

Re: Good Morning!

hey @Glisten  very proud of you mate. I have to make this quick.   Book keeper sent a picture of me in hospital so you and everyone knows I havnt just ignored everyone.  Im back in hospital.  "Again"

BUT, I'll be  FINE..   its just awful painful typing.  River Seal the Moderator said the pic might be 

triggering.  So,  you get the idea. Coat of paint and a buff and a few weeks break. Then I be back to 

to make sure its painful to know me once again 😊..    You are all such a wonderful family, brothers and sisters carrying each other and teaching me what it is to be a kind human.   OH,  I fell down a open Hatch into my cellar in the dark.   Simple and stupid..


                 So  heres my "gone fishing sign.


                                                                  THE FISHERMEN.


                                                       Give thy thanks,  oh rippled pond

                                                          That words won't pass me by.

                                                       I'll rise to every fly that's cast,

                                                          Upon a painted sky.


                                                       Words by craft of crafted hands

                                                          The brook trouts hungry soul.

                                                       Will know to leave a fly who's cost

                                                          Is more than it takes whole.


                                                       By wilt of dying hand on thy face

                                                          May last breath grant to me.

                                                       That which well hands failed to grant

                                                          And well eyes failed to see..


                                                      Shadows cast in shadows lost

                                                         Those fish we seek at any cost,

                                                      Beware the fountain fool that tossed

                                                          A fly upon a pool of frost..


                                                      Bonds we forged with fishers wand

                                                         My soul I swear to keep.

                                                      Return to throne  of river stone

                                                         Those tears  of equal weight  we weep..   Poem by 

                                                                                                                            Tonys Moonbase 1

                                                                                                                             Courtesy Filigree


 @SmilingGecko  @Jynx  @TAB  @MDT  @Historylover  @PeppyPatti   @Doldip15  @Emelia8 

@Oaktree   @Appleblossom @Shaz51  @Lila3  @greenpea  @StuF   @Former-Member  

 @ENKELI    @Adge  @creative_writer   meds bit much to list everyone I love,  here ,



  every casting their lines of hope against a painted sky.                      tonys..





Re: Good Morning!

Belief is the main thing that saves physical ails @tonys , well plus hosp etc, but yeah

Re: Good Morning!

@tonys  Huckleberry my bestie.

I have a mental image of you missing the top step of basement staircase. Using those Dinner plate hands to stop your fall and ripping out entire balustrade on your way down to the cellar floor.

How much damage is there to you and the basement? 
Should I bring tools and head North after Newcastle?