SANE Online Forums

Saving Lives. Crisis Support. Suicide Prevention.

Re: Does anyone want to talk

@ArraDreaming oi I had a good chuckle too, crass humour is still humour and laughter always good hehe


Lol what a combo, all the determination and adventurousness of a survival show fellow, but with none of the wisdom 😂 

Re: Eligibility for Carer Allowance

Hey @sopa ,


How's it going with the Carer Allowance?

Re: Does anyone want to talk

Hey @RiverSeal how are you I am waiting on my new book to come it should arrive today from Amazon

Re: Does anyone want to talk

That's great @ArraDreaming! Do you get Sunday delivery with Amazon? Enjoy reading it! RiverSeal 

Re: Does anyone want to talk

Yeah you can choose to have it delivered on the weekend if you want they do delivery every day now even in regional you only have to order some things the day before @RiverSeal

Re: Does anyone want to talk

Re: Does anyone want to talk

Hahaha that’s so good @Jynx did you see the video I tagged you over the other day? the pasta one? I think it was in yhd coffee thread
Mrs j and I were rolling
I pretty sure I was wheezing

Re: Does anyone want to talk

Oh idk @ArraDreaming but I don't think so? I'll have to go back and check my tags haha

Re: Does anyone want to talk

Go back and check them come back here let me know @Jynx I have seen it a bunch of times

Re: Does anyone want to talk

I did go back to Saturday but couldn't see it, do you remember when you posted it? You may have missed tagging me @ArraDreaming (or maybe it's still part of this wonky notifications issue)?