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Re: Does anyone want to talk

Cereal is an awesome snack @ArraDreaming 😂


Hmm... Well most music I listen to is electronic, so no concerts really. Although I imagine maybe artists like Prodigy, Pendulum, they'd have some sick concerts. I was in a Prodigy mosh pit once, it was so insane, had to leave after getting elbowed in the head 😆

Re: Does anyone want to talk

Hahahajaaha last time I was in any sort of a mosh was Peking Duk and I had to apologise to my darling other half and her best friend who ended up with my sweaty tshirt thrown in her face by someone when it got ripped off me because I was having far too much fun @Jynx
Anyway I will leave you with that horrible image and say goodnight, we won’t be watching Peking duk tonight, something a bit tamer with less beverages

Re: Does anyone want to talk

Hahaha brilliant image @ArraDreaming 🤣


Enjoy your concert and cereal snackin!! Night 😊 

Re: Does anyone want to talk

Did you see about how I said worked asked if u could be full time @tyme how cool is that

Re: Does anyone want to talk

Hang on, hang on.... what?????!!! @ArraDreaming 


They want you full time???

Re: Does anyone want to talk

Yup, they asked me yesterday if I was interested, only be for a short time just to fill in some gaps which would make me ft @tyme I said I would need to think about it, as Mrs j is going back to work soon so i have already organised to be Dad those two days…. nice to be asked though, and I didn’t want to say no straight away and close the door right away… @tyme but I’m fairly sure it’s a no

Re: Does anyone want to talk

Awwww @ArraDreaming .


Are there days Mrs J works from home?


It's certainly great they are wanting you to work fulltime. At the same time, you don't want to miss out on being dad.


Have a think about creative ways to make it work. You know... think outside the box - you're great at it.

Re: Does anyone want to talk

Yeah…. those two days at home will be really nice and it will just me and miss girl one of the days while one is at kindy then both the other day…
so that time is really special hey

but I also like that they have offered me an opportunity, even if its only for a short time and it’s sucky timing because it’s right as Mrs j goes to back to work and we have little miss in fdc 2 days a week…. if she was settled we might consider the extra days for that short window I’m working full time but straight off, 2 days is already pushing our limits (emotionally lol)
if mrs j had her say she would be home with them full time and wouldn’t be going back to work but
unfortunately we arent millionaires @tyme

Re: Does anyone want to talk

we’ve been chatting about it and looking at our options but I think I will have to decline even though I’m really happy they asked me @tyme

Re: Does anyone want to talk

Fair enough. @ArraDreaming You can always make money but you can't bring back time. 


Makes total sense. But yes, it shows how much they appreciate you.


It's probably good you thank them and tell them about your situation so they know it's not just that you don't want to do it. And let them know that in the future, when things settle a little, you'd definitely be interested.