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Re: Hobbies and Projects

Re: Hobbies and Projects

Lovely @avant-garde 

Re: Hobbies and Projects

@avant-garde that's beautiful ❤️

Re: Hobbies and Projects

Yeah I think it’s pretty big on Roblox @rav3n  which unfortunately is very popular. Lots of books… novels and graphic novels. 

oh they look great! Including your budgie! Love the colours. Kmart bring out some really nice paint by numbers. I have a stack under my bed that I happen to grab when they were on clearance. Yeah even the pricey paint by numbers that I get I have to do a couple of coats of paint.., which is so annoying! You’d think for the price they would use quality paint. Wish I could show you the photo paint by numbers I have done. You can upload a photo and they turn it into a paint by number. I got some cheap ones off Temu too. 

Re: Hobbies and Projects

@avant-garde just noticed the roses in the butterfly wing!! love it 💗

Re: Hobbies and Projects

oh! didn't know it was popular on Roblox too, i tried Roblox once... i didn't get the hype but my sis loves it @Bow is D a fan of Roblox?


thank you! ahh sucks that even the pricey ones need the extra coats!! i didn't realise how many amazing craft stuff there was at kmart... i was sooo tempted to just grab everything i saw. my sis ended up getting us some gem art which was fun too. and i got a crotchet kit (but i didn't understand ANY of the instructions so will have to dive into it later). oh yeah i remember you mentioning how you can create your own paint by number!! you've made a few for others right? do you still do that? i'd love to do a harry potter one, specifically the scene of the castle at night. might look into getting that created one day.

Re: Hobbies and Projects

Yeah my D loves Roblox @rav3n  I wish she didn’t 


Yep Kmart is great for craft stuff. They have all sorts of things too. I always enjoy wandering the isles to see what is new. 
I have one photo paint by numbers in my cupboard it’s of my mum and step dad. No massive rush to get it done, but will be nice for my mum to have that painting. I did one for someone at church and they now want another one…. But if I do it I really gotta increase my price! I only charged them $200. The kit cost $70, and there was well over 40 hrs work in it. And while I don’t do it for the money, that $3.25 hr! 

you could probably find a Harry Potter one online. I find them good to have there for when I’m just in the mood. And if I’m going inpatient I usually take one with me.