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Re: Ta ta

So good right @MDT listened to AAF the other day, smooth criminal, made me think of Family Guy. Man that show is fu*king funny

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Re: Ta ta

not too sure we are allowed to share the links due to language and jokes haha @saltandpepper

I showed my dad the scene where they take the mickey out of the sound of music
haha - he liked it

Re: Ta ta

Haha @MDT cant imagine what my dad would think of it. He'd be confused by the fact it's a cartoon for adults I reckon haha

Community Guide

Re: Ta ta

when you put it that way yes definitely haha @saltandpepper

Re: Ta ta

You seen Archer @MDT 

Community Guide

Re: Ta ta

bits of it yeah @saltandpepper

it seems clever haha

Re: Ta ta

First few seasons are gold @MDT but imagine it would horrify both our dads to see such a cartoon haha

Community Guide

Re: Ta ta

haha @saltandpepper

could be worse - could be peppa pig

Re: Ta ta

I hate that I know what that is @MDT haha