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Hi again; @Former-Member@Shaz51@Owlunar@Mazarita

To me, being contented is about giving thanks and appreciating 'abundance'. Now that word can conjur some pretty different responses in people. As @Shaz51 showed with the quote from His Honour the Dalai Lama, simplicity for me is key.

My reality? Not many of my family talk with me, but two do! That's abundance!

Do I have a lot of money? No, but what I do have is enough; that's abundance!

I'm grateful I have will, commitment, courage and determination. Pure abundance!

Hope Heart


I like that you are content with your ability to cope -- way to go @Hope4me

Very true @Mazarita, @Former-Member, @Owlunar, you do have different contentment levels  through different ages and stages of our lives

if you had asked me when i was twenty  , all I wanted to do was to help other people by caring for their childen -- I never ever got rich through it but I loved giving and caring


So true @Mazarita

The word 'contentment' never entered my mind back in the day. It was more about survival. I don't visit here very often, but it's available for when I do and; I'm ever so grateful.



@Former-Member, @utopia Smiley Happy

content 8.jpg

Senior Contributor


Great topic @Shaz51.
Contentment has been my favorite word for years now.
Do I want to be happy? No.
Do I want to be contented? Yes.
Happiness is a fleeting moment in time.
Contentment is long lasting.
When I am content, is when I feel the most peace. When I feel calm. When I too, look up at the stars and marvel at the universe. When I sit on the grass and feel the sun and breeze on my skin. When I hear the birds. When the fruit is growing on my trees. Everything feels so right.
Contentment is what I aim for in life.
Thanks for a great thread.


OMG @Shaz51

You wouldn't know it, but I have Sarah Ban Breathnach's 'Simple Abundance Companion' sitting right in front of me!!!! I picked it up a few minutes ago to look inside.

Sometimes life's just that little bit eerie don't you think?



The only time I feel completely content is when my little boy gives me his big cuddles that i wish lasted forever


yes Nature is beautiful @utopia, I love sitting next to a creek too soo wonderful

Sometimes life's just that little bit eerie don't you think?-- I agree @Hope4me xoxo

enjoy those cuddles @NameUnknown, they are good for him and you Heart, loving memories

Hello @Jupiter


Hi @Hope4me


Great to see you - I wasn't around much during the better weather but it's March and cooler so I am back more and glad to catch you on such an interesting thread


Great thread


Okay Peeps - my time line - in my early years people were not content with my choices and were always in a hurry for me to move on - I guess you have all had the questions


Actually - I was at night school with a lot of men and in the Army Reserve and had contact with a lot of male soldiers but - at 18 I was career minded and started to get questions I still find intrusive to remember - hated it at the time


I was asked


"When are you going to get a boyfriend?" - in time I got one

"When are you going to get engaged?" - in time we did

"When are you going to get married?" - in time we did

"When are you going to have a baby?" - eventually we adopted

"When are you going to have another baby?" - eventually we did 

"When are you going to go back to work?" - at least when I got to this stage I had with my mother and started to please myself without telling people


But it seems this morning no one could leave me alone to just get on with life - how hard to be in the moment when people are pushing me into the next - I was too young then to turn them off and at times the questions were intrusive


Our timelines continue and have unexpected issues - we can only live on day at a time at the most - in reality the time I started this post has gone and the time when I will finish it is still in the future


One way of seeing contentment is just being in our timeline - young people are unusally into acquistion - and we get older we are more into inquistion - and just accepting what is - that's important




@Shaz51 thank you 🙂