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Hello @outlander, @Former-Member Smiley Happy


@Shaz51 ... gees, this question has got me thinking! What makes me content? Over the past few years my priorities have definitely changed in relation to what is important in my life and what brings me joy. For me, I feel contentment when I feel healthy - both physically and mentally. I have had Rheumatoid Arthritis for about 25 years now and there were times when I would flare really bad and it was hard to walk. So yep, definitely good health. I also feel content when I feel that I am mentally coping with what life is throwing at me! Also, being with people that I love - my mum and my two very close friends - they definitely proved to me that their friendship is worth their weight in gold. I was very lucky to have them in my life last year as I really struggled. Thanks for getting me thinking!! 🙂 x


Well said @Former-Member


I don't know about contentment but I definitely feel something powerful satisfaction that I have survived my own life when I have come home from a wrenching session with my therapist



Not applicable


Phillipians 4
"For I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want, i have learned that "I can do all this through God who gives me strength"
- Apostle Paul -


right on @Former-Member Smiley Very Happy

Yes @Owlunar, @Bella1978, @outlander, @Former-Member, @EternalFlame, @Fee1, @Susana, , @Boo13

it is a big question and to find contentment in any situation we are in now , not to wait until everything is good

sending you all hugs for today xoxo


Hi @Shaz51@Former-Member


I am thinking a lot about the word "contentment" - I don't think I could ever be satisfied with any situation that I know could be made better


Since childhood I have been proactive - and let's make it simple for me cause it's not Friday but tomorrow is a public holiday but today could be busy or not depending on something that is not made for contentment


If I had been on the Titanic and found myself in danger I would have been battling to find a life-boat and certainly had I been in the icy water I would have been getting toward a life boat for my life's worth


St Paul was shipwrecked a couple of times - I am wondering - seriously - if he was content when he was in the sea - which makes me think that contentment is a very serious word - and I feel a deep need to survive


Of course the time will come when I will not - and I guess I will be content then because I know I have made the best of my life


Great discussison though - but very personal




Thanks @Shaz51. Happy Easter! Cheers


Hey @Shaz51, I've been away for a few days with medical issues, but am back again now. 

Funnily enough lying flat on my back in bed with these medical problems, I have felt a feeling of contentment. It was just about being in the moment and accepting things as they are. Not worrying about the past or the future... just being. It was a strange feeling really. I think in the past I have been full of dashed expectations. My old psychologist once said to me "blessed are those without expectation, for they are never disappointed". How right he was!


happy easter @Fee1 , how are you my friend Heart

your old psychologist is wise @Queenie , I had to lower my expectations of my mr shaz , in that way I would be surprised on how the day went -- it is hard at times , I hope you are ok , sending you tender hugs my friend Heart


He is a very wise man @Shaz51. I often wonder where he is now. Old psychologist happened to be my lecturer at uni when I did my nursing degree. We didn't recognise each other for years until it dawned on me where I knew him from lol! 

I'm doing loads better, in fact despite the pain, I feel great!