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Re: Cycling for health. Virtual group ride

@Ant7  great to hear you are back on the bike. I find it helps on so many levels. 


Re: Cycling for health. Virtual group ride

@Determined  Thanks I like to exercise but I lack motivation a lot sometimes lol. My favourite is Surfing. Do you or anyone else have other spots or fitness hobbies? 😊

Re: Cycling for health. Virtual group ride

@Ant7  only mountain biking here along with the cycle trainer and road cycling.

Motivation is a biggie. I only manage to keep it up by doing it with my wife. We encourage and motivate each other. 

Esp on the trainer. An hour is a long haul by one's self on the trainer but together we don't seem to notice. 

Mountain biking is a family activity so do that for our boys mostly but happy to be active. 

Re: Cycling for health. Virtual group ride

@Determined @Ant7 @Eve7 @Shaz51 
Sorry guys I'm just joining in on here, had a 3 day break from the forums and struggling to catch up with everyone's threads. 

@Ant7 Great job getting back on the bike!!


@Determined I think as we all have different schedules etc, maybe setting a weekly challenge or several weekly challenges like say a time challenge and/or maybe a distance challenge? 
I'm definitely sure I could not get through a TDF stage ride in a week as I'm only riding about 100 km a week at the moment and my longest ride is around two hours. 
I dunno how does 2 hours/30 kms &/or 5 hours/100 kms sound as a weekly challenge? Pick which one you want to go for and then we post our progress on here? 

BB 🐰💙

Re: Cycling for health. Virtual group ride

Hi @bipolarbunny 

That sounds like a good plan. (The weekly goal) I think the 50-100 km per week sounds good. I also aim for 100km per week. If I can hit 6k for the year I will be excited .

Or everyone could just set their own goal and update here how they are going .

I am very conscious that I want this to be an encouragement of healthy activity and not 


Currently waiting on my new work roster but hoping to do 2x early morning trainer ride per week. We have been doing it after school but comments with the little people are ruling that out this semester. 

We also aim for at least 1x ~50km road ride on the weekend weather permitting. 

So 3 to 4 rides per week. 


Currently training for a 100+km charity ride (gran fondo) next month. That will be an achievement. 

Re: Cycling for health. Virtual group ride

I’ve just done 30 mins on the tour lol @Determined 


I like the idea of setting our own goals.

Re: Cycling for health. Virtual group ride


Re: Cycling for health. Virtual group ride

Did a looong road ride today Took much longer than planned as  I ran out of legs half way in.  Still we were faster than required for event we have signed up for.  Today was a tester to see if we could manage the event.